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The English Club “MARVELA”

The English club “Marvela” aims to provide students with more exposure to English through an English language environment that will familiarize students with various language skills and functions. Activities include essay writing competitions, translation, English week festive celebrations, film/video games, song dedications and other language games.


  • To help students to acquire the four basic skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking for developing proficiency in English.
  • To help students to cultivate the habit of self-learning.
  • To create an environmental awareness.
  • To promote learning of English to enable the students for a better communication with the outside world.


Smt: C. Girija Prasad
Department Of English


On February, Association Day English club conducted Spell Bee competition for science and commerce students together.

Academic week on 30th January conducted various competitions like debate, poster making and quiz


As a part of reading day and English language day, the club organised a class on “the importance of English Language and its simple usages” for first year students.

Visited Buds school (mentally retarded students) as a part of children’s day celebration by organising entertainment programmes and distributed sweets.


On September 22nd Communicative English training programme was initiated by the Dept. of English on the above mentioned date.The Dept. invited well known scholars to give their thoughts on the same.

June 5th was celebrated as world environment day by reciting “green poems”


On January 26th,on behalf of Republic day English Club arranged an Essay writing competition.

On February 12th,the club conducted a communication skill development programme for all the final year students.


March 2nd national reading day organized a quiz competition

March 15th Club conducted a reading competition among various departments.

On march 30th, club celebrated Shakespeare’s day/English language day by conducting a quiz competition on the basis of Indian English writers and their writing

On August 15th English club organised an essay competition and speech competition related to “Independence Day”